Monday, May 25, 2009

Listening to the Bible

After being immersed in the word for months leading up to Elnathan's birth, I did not open my own Bible for two weeks following his birth. Nor did I go for a walk, wash up, or do anything much except look after Elnathan and try to recover from birth/solve my breastfeeding issues! The challenges were all consuming. 

I am so grateful that just days before the birth, we chose to purchase this NKJV audio Bible . . . 

As well as receiving God's word during our evening Psalm reading (which we've continued together), I've been able to listen to this while feeding. What a blessing it is to hear God's word. I am grateful to one of the ladies at church who suggested I buy an audio Bible for this time.


  1. That is a really great idea -- I'm going to suggest it to the new mums in my church! I've also suggested it for people who are struggling with loneliness -- it's easy to fill up your mind with God's word when you're in the car, or cleaning the house, or whatever, when you have an audio Bible.

  2. I'm glad you'll pass on the suggestion!

    Audio Bibles on Mp3 are actually quite cheap as well - mine only cost about AU$30, as opposed to $130 for the CD version!

  3. AWESOME! this would be great for my friend who just had neck surgery and has trouble with her eyes....

  4. Wow, yes . . . maybe it would make a good "Get well soon" gift!
