Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Who will care for the orphans?

God tells us in the book of James that pure religion cares for orphans and widows. Since marrying Dave and realising the enormous orphan problem in South Africa, I've grown increasingly determined to do anything I can to help orphans. Dave has also become increasingly passionate about this part of God's word. It is as though marriage has helped us to more deeply understand what God has called us to as Christ's followers.

We would love to adopt as many orphans as we could care for, but currently all doors toward doing that are firmly slammed shut. They will be for at least another three years, and maybe even after that. We recognise that only God can open these doors, and if he chooses not to we will never adopt any children. This grieves us deeply, and has brought me to tears several times, but we can't give up on caring about orphans simply because we cannot make adoption happen.

This afternoon I have been researching two organisations that help orphans, which we could perhaps support through our prayers and donations.

I'm excited about Izulu Orphan Projects in South Africa, where we could perhaps even visit orphan households we were supporting. We may be able to further investigate the work of this organisation when we next travel to SA.

I've also been investigating the blog of Paul Myhill, who is based in the USA and has a focus on orphans across the world.

You may also be interested in Ithemba Lethu, an amazing organisation that Dave's former church began. Ithemba Lethu runs a transition home, from which they aim to return children to their former communities or place them in foster or adoptive homes. The babies there are fed with donated breast milk, the best possible food for them!

Please pray for us as we seek out ways to care for orphans. We would love to do more than "just" give or pray, but right now that seems to be the maximum we can do. Pray that God will lead us to more opportunities to live out his command.


  1. It's so good to see how centered you two seem on God's kingdom. From how you both seem on the blog, you seem like you'd both be great blessings to orphans. (I hope to someday be able to foster/adopt as well. . . but I'm still waiting for a husband, lol!)

    Here's another adoption organization that seems exciting: http://members.shaohannahshope.org/site/PageServer They help people fund adoptions!

    Also, I suspect you might like this blog: http://more-love-to-thee.blogspot.com/ The author and her husband are trying to be foster parents, and also wanting to have children of their own. I think you would appreciate how Christ-centered the lady seems.

    Lindsy (normally just a lurker)

  2. Thanks Lindsy!

    I'm just checking out both sites now.

    I've read about Shaohuannah's Hope before, and I'd love it if there was a similar organisation in Australia which we could support. It would be great if there was a Christian organisation that could support and advise people as they navigate the difficult adoption process, as well as provide finances. Maybe one day!

    love Sherrin

  3. Hey Sherrin - I found you were on my blog. Do I know you?

    Anyway - about the orphan thing. My wife has this vision to create a home for orphans which is like ... a 'home'. Where they can live normally and where we as a ministry have a 12 year plan with each one as they grow up. Training - tutoring - mentoring. A sort of an independent thing. With maybe 8 kids, but giving them absolute quality life for their whole schooling.

    Then my other friend wants to start a ministry that is totally focused on bringing parent/foster parents and babies together. Aggressively marketing and making ignorant public aware of the need for such homes.

