Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The wisdom only God can give

This guest post is from my Mum, Lorraine Ward. Mum is a wonderful example of wise womanhood. I have watched her walk out the truths she describes here. I hope and pray that I will become more like my Mum.

I have been a Christian for 38 years, but it was many years before I realized that I had no wisdom of my own and that there is no such thing as human wisdom. As a young believer I thought I had answers to a lot of life issues but now I know with certainty that true wisdom is all God’s and that I only receive His wisdom when He reveals Himself to me and when I rest totally in His grace, coming under His Lordship in all things. Then I begin to see His wisdom at work in my life.

Many times I have had to repent of walking in my own thinking, while saying I was following Him. Many times I have opened my mouth to speak foolish words which I thought were wise. Only through the bad consequences did I learn that wisdom comes through the death of self and trusting in His Way in relationships and plans.

Many times my flesh cries out to gossip or speak unkind words, but as I cry out to the Lord He whispers gently to me, “Be still and know that I am God.”….”A gentle answer turns away wrath.” “Wisdom is better than weapons of war.” Many times I have wanted to rush forward without waiting on the Lord , but with my sin confessed, I have turned to Him and asked for wisdom and He has given it to me in the most surprising and unexpected ways. I just know that it had to be God who gave me that wisdom. My sinful heart would never have thought of it!

I once battled with bad feelings toward someone and wrestled with a crisis relationship for a time. I cried out to the Lord and repented of my independent spirit and I woke one morning to the wisdom of God when the words came clearly to my mind, “Whoever slaps you on the right cheek turn the other to him also.” Yes, Lord, only You could have such wisdom. This really changed my relationship to that person and it is bearing His good fruit.

With His wisdom comes a quiet comforting peace that God is reigning and that in my day to day struggles He has the victory over evil as I choose to let His wisdom work in my life.


  1. Sherrin,
    It is very evident that you have a wise Mum! Her gentle, humble and kind words in this post reflects and brings glory to the Lord.
    She is a woman that is submitted to the Lord and His Word.
    What a blessing to have a Mum like that!!
    If she decides to start her own blog, I will be very happy to glean from her.

  2. Hi Karen,

    thanks for dropping by! Yes, Mum is a huge blessing. I very much doubt she will ever start her own blog, but I will ask her to write for me again!

    God bless,


  3. Sherrin, that was God's timing that I read this wonderful post of your Mum's- it spoke to me about a similar situation I am facing. Thankyou.

    Love in Christ,


  4. I do enjoy the wisdom of my new mum-in-law... She is a real blessing to us both.
